Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions
Total dependencies: 4746
Sql Server extensions for signature verification of the Dalion HttpMessageSigning C# implementation of the IETF Internet-Draft "Signing HTTP Messages".
File system extensions for signature verification of the Dalion HttpMessageSigning C# implementation of the IETF Internet-Draft "Signing HTTP Messages".
Vsa Framework
Fast, flexible, and version-tolerant serializer for .NET
Emeraude Framework is a powerful library providing abstractions, builders and ready to use ASP.NET Core structure for creating SEO friendly web applications based on SSR Vue.js and mobile applications based on Xamarin Forms.
ASP.NET extensions for MinIO .NET SDK.
Extensions to configure tasks that should be executed on application startup, shutdown or repeating after an interval.
API Client Extensions, for Veracity IoT Platform
A zero boilerplate Redux/Flux framework for .NET
AKSoftware.Localization.MultiLanguages is a .NET library that allows .NET developers to build applications that targets multiple languages very easy just with few lines of code
The API for integrating .NET plugins and to bridge between C# and WordPress PHP code.
A small library that helps ASP.NET Core applications easily consume messages from a SQS queue
Helper for the MELT testing library to verify that the correct logs are generated by ASP.NET Core applications, when writing integration tests with Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Testing.
Elsa is a set of workflow libraries and tools that enable super-fast workflowing capabilities in any .NET Core application.
This package provides extension methods that simplify registration of AutoMapper and profiles.
SuperSocket primitive interfaces and classes.
Horarium.AspNetCore is the .Net library to support Asp .Net Core in Horarium
Entity Framework Core implementation of cloudscribe core commands and queries - typically you do not use this directly, use cloudscribe.Core.Storage.EFCore.MSSQL
Olive Framework
Created on 2023-05-05 19:43
Parser for Apple Receipt that represented in base64 and encoded with ASN.1