Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.FileExtensions

Total dependencies: 786

This is cross platform i18n library. It not only can provider static string, and it can hot reload/hot switch culture, use in wpf xaml etc... This package is base on Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration. If you want some other support files, you can intall package Microsoft.Extensions.Configu...
Package Description
Extra components for Proteus Visimark
Typed and validated application configuration settings. Allows backup configuration such as parent / child settings. Based off ConfigurationManager, JSON, and Environment Variables.
NLog Target for Redis
Package Description
Package Description
This package is a core to the Gear Cms
Package containing generic functionality to access databases using Microsoft EntityframeworkCore with PostgreSQL server. For .NETCore 3.x grab version 1.x or higher For .NET6 grab version 6.x or higher For .NET7 grab version 7.x or higher
This package contains the Settings models for CoreKraft.
FhirStarter is a lightweight FHIR server framwork where the bare minimum of functionaliy gets your FHIR server up and running. The framework lets you create a FHIR service which can be based on several input sources and is joined a single output. The Instigator library has the necessary components ...
Centralized ASP.NET Core Error Handling using Problem Details. Updatable configuration using Options pattern see for usage info.
Implementation Suite provides trivial framework for implementing basic functionality during application development process.
A flexible .NET microservice framework for agile teams.
Contains components for hosting endpoints in ASP.NET Core and Kestrel.
Contains components for hosting endpoints in ASP.NET Core and Kestrel.
A high performance micro sql helper supporting SQL Server、MySQL、PostgreSQL、SQLite