Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions

Total dependencies: 1957

Package Description
Package Description Core Logging Provider to store Log in Azure Table Storage
ILogger implementation with storage on your hands
Package Description
Valkyrie Core Package
Package Description
Package Description
Functionality to resolve values from configuration providers for Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.
Entity Framework Core configuration provider. Core Logging Provider to store Log in Azure Table Storage
Package Description
This library tries to help programmers to implement the dependency injection of .netcore in WPF and as a bonus it offers some classes of help in MVVM such as DelegateCommand and also ValidableModel.
Core library
Fix Bug with ILoggerProvider
A Simple Scheduler, with task execution queue built on TPL DataFlow. Schedules described by simple strings "now", "at|2020-01-27T09:00:00", "after|4hh", "every|10mm|x5" Or using fluent interface _taskBuilderFactory.BuildTask().Run("some task").At(DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(20)); The task to be performe...