Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory

Total dependencies: 1223

This is a client api using the MtProto protocol to connect the client to a server, such as Telegram Messenger
Utilities for the web
NoDb configuration and operational stores for IdentityServer4 cloudscribe multi-tenant identity integration
Common Infrastructure Library
ASP.NET Core MVC Bootstrap tag helpers. Contains tag helpers for Bootstrap's Tabs, Modal, Alert, Popover, Button, Dropdown, NavBar, and more. GitHub Repository: Demo:
PopForums.Data.Sql Class Library
Package Description
Ninject module regististrations for LazyCache to initialise dependency injection
这是一个 .netcore的脚手架,支持DbFirst和CodeFirst,让开发人员无需关注底层变动,专注编写业务代码,它可以让你使用 .netcore的新特性,支持多种数据库,可以在项目中自由的使用 lambda 表达式编写业务,同时支持自定义的 sql 语句。
Elasticsearch LiteClient is a lightweight, low-abstraction alternative to the official Elasticsearch.NET/NEST.
Smart Library, Smart Captcha, Captcha
Memory caching provider for Zen
A concurrency and state library for .NET, shines in net call services.
Package Description
AppBlocks intends to simplify the task of integrating Autofac into your application with emphasis on building supportable and testable applications
ASP.NET Core rate limiting middleware
A graphic verification code generation and verification module under .net core platform. It will be very easy to generate and verify graphic verification code. .net core平台下的图形校验码生成和校验模块。 仅需几行代码就可以完成图形校验码生成和校验工作,让开发人员更专注于业务。二维码验证通过之后即删除,防止重复使用一个二维码进行提交可同时支持.net core2.1和2.2两个版本 3....
Net Standard Cache Helper