Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Abstractions

Total dependencies: 812

AuthorizationSecurity is based on endpoint authorization framework.You only write database code and mark endpoint can complete the authorization.
Fluent API for implementing Azure Functions with reusable components.
Cloudburst Microservice Toolkit: Distributed Cache with support for Consul
Cloudburst Microservice Toolkit: Distributed Cache with support for Consul
A package containing A Cosmos DB storage provider for ASP .NET Core Identity.
A package containing classes for repository pattern for Cosmos db.
DragonHoard's core library.
DragonHoard's wrapper for Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory.
MAD.NET Caching Extensions
MAD.NET Caching Extensions
Caching extensions for the Snacks.Entity.Core package
Json Localization for .net
OWIN/Katana integration package for the OpenIddict server services (compatible with ASP.NET 4.6.1 and newer).
OWIN/Katana integration package for the OpenIddict validation services (compatible with ASP.NET 4.6.1 and newer).
TinyBeans.Caching is a component to ease caching of method results.
Multi-tenancy support for ASP.NET Core using StructureMap.
Simple test fixture pattern