Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore

Total dependencies: 4049

CodeElements.BizRunner provides basic interfaces to define business actions in a Domain Driven Design.
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
Provides per-integration test database provisioning and database seeding for projects that utilize Entity Framework Core.
A workflow engine, allows for tracking of a piece of work through a process.
Package Description
Este paquete contiene las sgtes extensiones: - AddJsonFilter - UseJsonFilter
Este paquete contiene extensiones y utilerias para el proyecto EntityFrameworkCore
Package Description
Package Description
Library to encapsulate repository pattern code based on Domain-Driven Design
General library utilities based on NetStandard.
Identity models for FourTwenty.AuthServer
A simple attribute-based hooking system for Entity Framework Core >= 2.1.0
Package Description
Package Description
Generic Repository Pattern implemented for EFCore 3.1 and .Net standart 2.1. Content: Fix package DI Fix access cache and more...