Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore
Total dependencies: 4049
Test fixture for testing ASP.NET Core apps
NosDB is a 100% native .NET Open Source NoSQL Database (released under Apache 2.0 License). NosDB is extremely fast and linearly scalable and allows your .NET applications to handle extreme transaction loads (XTP).
NosDB also helps you accelerate your .NET development by providing a flexible JSON s...
An implementation of a modular approach to EF Core, allowing independent modules of an application to
coexist in a single database with no crosstalk and intuitive dependencies.
EntityFramework Core Exceptions extension/enricher for Cosmos.Logging.
MSFramework is a lightweight DDD framework
Package Description
This project allows you to control how EntityFrameworkCore will scaffold your DbContext and models using database-first approach.
EFcore based Outbox for Eventfully
EF Integration of DynamicLinq
Pre-configured DbContext which automatically converts your tables and columns to snake case (PostgreSQL default syntax)
Crypteron CipherDB Agent for Entity Framework Core
Crypteron CipherDB Agent for Entity Framework Core
An implementation of DanielCunha.Toolkit.RepositoryPattern using Entity Framework Core.