Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore
Total dependencies: 4049
Entity Framework Core unit of work integration for SFA.DAS.UnitOfWork
EasyMWS is a .NET library that simplifies the interaction with the Amazon Marketplace Web Services API by abstracting away the request/check/download cycle for downloading reports and submitting feeds. You could consider this a package that replaces AMTU.
Common componentns for EFCore data storage for cloudscribe Membership Paywall
Database implementations using Entity Framework Core
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
EF Core 存储过程执行组件,可以模型化执行存储过程
DevExtreme 框架
A high performance Micro-ORM supporting SQL Server, MySQL, Sqlite, SqlCE, Firebird etc..
DataCollection.EntityFramework allows using entity framework as the source of controls supporting C1.DataCollection.
Commonly Used Types:
Generic repository base pattern for EF Core + DatabaseScope
partial updated and scheam description scripts generation
Entity Framework Core backing for APIBlox.NetCore.EventStore.
Helper package that contains all common classes, extensions and helpers
Inscribe's logging provider for Entity Framework Core. Useful for logging application errors in a database.
Core logic for Endpointer API applications.
It is a library that contains the tools needed to create a modular API application.
Platz.ObjectBuilder is a Blazor UI component that allows to build Models and Queries visually and generate C# code based on saved json data.