Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore

Total dependencies: 4049

Provides a core setup of Entity Framework along with the ability to add Behaviors supporting Auto Populating GUIDs, Dates, etc. Supports Soft Delete Functionality
Provides extra functionality for querying relational databases using EF Core.
Abstractions for extending and building the minimalist Queryology Engine
The contracts of OLMI framework.
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Package Description
Intregration SQL Server database with repository pettern and also losely couple code.
UnitOfWork is a Dot Net Core Library to implemented for unit of work patterns, Query Handler Patter, repository and direct MS SQL queries using dapper.
My package description.
My package description.
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
Express Micro Permissions allows you to micro manage user defined permissions. Create permissions and permission groups and assign to users. It works with EF Core and SQL Server
This package allows you to easy work with soft delete in EntityFrameworkCore.