Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Sqlite

Total dependencies: 422

Geospatial library for .NET Standard.
Test Helpers for .NET Core
Entity Framework Core migration package for SQLite
Vsa Framework
SQLite Entity Framework Core implementation of cloudscribe SimpleContent commands and queries
Provides support to persist workflows running on Workflow Core to a Sqlite database.
A library to more easily control image optimization from C# using
This is a Dns Server for .NET Core.
HealthChecks.UI.SQLite.Storage package contains the required classes to use SQLite provider in the UI
.NET Toolkits (class libraries) containing reusable code for speeding up development of any .NET applications. NKit.Standard is the .NET Standard compatible version of NKit. NKit.Windows is the .NET Framework compatbile version of NKit. NKit.Core is the latest .NET Core compatible version of N...
Emeraude Framework is a powerful library providing abstractions, builders and ready to use ASP.NET Core structure for creating SEO friendly web applications based on SSR Vue.js and mobile applications based on Xamarin Forms.
GameAnalytics SDK for .Net Core 3.0
Contains db contexts migrations code for Sqlite.
Package Description
Entity Framework Core SQLite storage for cloudscribe.Kvp
Package Description
Extension methods which allow each DbContext to be initialized & destroyed independently based on its Model.
Package Description
BitFlyerDotNet is a bitFlyer Lightning API wrapper and libraries.
Rollbar collects errors that happen in your application, notifies you, and analyzes them so you can debug and fix them.