Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer.Design
Total dependencies: 67
Store Audit.NET Trail Logs into a SQL Server database
NCF 模块:盛派官方发布的微信管理后台
使用此插件可以在 NCF 中快速集成微信公众号、小程序的部分基础管理功能,欢迎大家一起扩展!
微信 SDK 基于 Senparc.Weixin SDK 开发。
Senparc.Xncf.DatabaseToolkit 修改命名空间
Custom JWT Token system template with EntityFramework Core on ASP.NET Core Web API.
This package contains:
JWT Token system on .ASP Net Core and EntityFramework Core with Repository Pattern
Ip limitation
EFCore, Core, Entity, Framework, Entity Framework, Entity Framework Core, SQLite, MySQL, SQLServer e PostgreSQL
Devon4Net.Domain.Context contains the extended class Devon4NetBaseContext in order to make easier the process of having a model context configured against different database engines. This configuration allows an easier testing configuration against local and in memory databases.
NullDesk Mailer Extension for SQL Server email messsage and delivery history storage using EntityFramework Core
SCF 模块:盛派官方发布的微信管理后台
使用此插件可以在 SCF 中快速集成微信公众号、小程序的部分基础管理功能,欢迎大家一起扩展!
微信 SDK 基于 Senparc.Weixin SDK 开发。
Package Description
Senparc.Xscf.DatabaseToolkit 修改命名空间
FeatureBits is a feature toggling system meant to support multiple platforms.
FeatureBits is a feature toggling system meant to support multiple platforms.
Package Description