Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Diagnostics.NETCore.Client

Total dependencies: 8

Powerful .NET library for benchmarking
Steeltoe management endpoints
ClrMD is a set of advanced APIs for programmatically inspecting a crash dump of a .NET program much in the same way that the SOS Debugging Extensions (SOS) do. This allows you to write automated crash analysis for your applications as well as automate many common debugger tasks. In addition to readi...
The embedded client API for Event Store. Get the open source or commercial versions of Event Store server from
The Sqreen in app agent for .NET. Defense in depth for OWASP Top-10 attacks that’s easy to install, manage and scale.
A thread-safe C# .NET client for reporting metrics to various providers, including Bosun and SignalFx.
Microsoft Application Insights Profiler for ASP.NET Core.
Core Library for Microsoft Application Insights Profiler.