Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on WCF Data Services Client

Total dependencies: 248

The core modules required to build CloudCore-based web modules.
Server library for Stratis
A dependency injectable application framework for building, configuring, deploying and managing applications on Azure PaaS
Core functionality for Infrastructure as Code
CSOM based provisioning library for SharePoint 2013, 2016, and SharePoint Online
Azure Table Storage Provider for ASP.NET Identity 2.0 framework. Important! This package should be upgraded to the ElCamino.AspNetCore.Identity.AzureTable package. Check here for data migration information.
Mobile Field Report is a software for service companies that allows powerful reporting in the field.
Fully-featured server API for responding to OData queries and consuming/producing OData payloads. Supports OData v3. Targets .NET 4.0 or Silverlight 4.0. Localized for CHS, CHT, DEU, ESN, FRA, ITA, JPN, KOR and RUS.
"OData provider backed by MongoDB"
RxHeat.OData is a library that complements the Reactive Extensions Library with OData helper features. The project comprises a collection of tested features. It includes: - OData LINQ Observer Helper --- Paging helper --- LINQ Wrapper
.NET Wrapper for Power BI and utilities
This plugin extends Backload, the server side file handler, to manage files on Microsoft Azure Blob storage,
Private package for devaxy developers