Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Data.Sqlite

Total dependencies: 281

Library to help implement integration testing.
Cocon90.Db是由Cocon90.Db.Common为核心的类库与其它数据库操作库组合而成,以方便调用为主要目的,支持ORM操作,增、删、改、查、事务、批量执行、创建表、插入或保存记录 等等,并提供多种数据库支持。当前已支持Mysql、Sqlite、SqlServer。
Udger is a .NET lib for the udger datafile ver. 3
Smartunicom Shared Library - Data
Support use Dapper in ZKWeb. For more information please visit project site.
Sql Lite support for the Thuria Thark framework
GPA Gemstone Configuration Library
阿波罗分布式配置,改为xml文件,适用于所有.net core项目类型. apollo.config <configuration><Apollo><Namespaces name="0">application</Namespaces><Namespaces name="1">TEST1.Common</Namespaces><AppID>000001</AppID><Env>DEV</Env><MetaServer></MetaServer><ConfigServer name="0">
TMW.Edge.Frame netCore框架类库 使用时如有问题可联系作者 [email protected]
Implementation of Butterfly.Db for SQLite
调度平台可视化 基于 Quartz3.0.7 开箱即用 解决公司内部调度平台混乱
.Net Core easy to implement generic service and Quartz to Implement Background Schedule Tasks. Set backing database from appsettings json files. Supported databases: Memory, Ms SQL server, Postgres, Mysql, SqLite
Push the message to Queue & the content is then processed as follow. Right now supported: - Delimited (^) string content - Provide the appropriate index in the content file mapping - Current Status api - Slqite Support to destination
Ban ip addresses based on failed login attempts.
C#针对数据库的ADO.NET整理,涉及到的数据库有 MySQL,SQLServer,PostgreSQL
Simple Micro ORM for SQLite, MySql and SqlServer