Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on ODataLib

Total dependencies: 266

Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Data Preparation SDK.
Cireson Platform SDK.
An MVC4 web extension library for the Hiro IOC container framework.
This library allows you to easily generate scoped SAS tokens for resources such as Azure Storage.
Log transfer provider. Provides a transport to push logs to a remote locaiton
This a small helper library which includes the Service Reference for the 2013-04-05 version of the Windows Azure AD Graph API and helper methods for setting up the required headers (including authorization), query parameters etc. This project is based on the MSDN code at
Package for common wrapper methods for Windows Azure Storage
This package contains common infrastructure needed when exposing structured storage as part of your .NET mobile backend hosted in Microsoft Azure. For more information, check out DEPRECATED: Azure Mobile Services is now deprecated in favor of Azure Mobile Apps. Th...
This package contains everything you need to expose structured storage using Azure Storage as part of your .NET mobile backend hosted in Microsoft Azure. For more information, check out DEPRECATED: Azure Mobile Services is now deprecated in favor of Azure Mobile A...
This package contains everything you need to expose structured storage using Mongo as part of your .NET mobile backend hosted in Microsoft Azure. For more information, check out DEPRECATED: Azure Mobile Services is now deprecated in favor of Azure Mobile Apps. Thi...
This package contains everything you need to expose structured storage using Entity Framework as part of your .NET mobile backend hosted in Microsoft Azure. For more information, check out DEPRECATED: Azure Mobile Services is now deprecated in favor of Azure Mobil...
F# based odata client
Add sample usage of SimpleGuidMembershipProvider to existing empty web project.
My package description.
My package description.
Pre-release and experimental implementations of potential future library features. No support is provided; use this to provide feedback and help shape ODataLib's future. Targets .Net 4.0.