Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp

Total dependencies: 617

Hooks into the ASP.NET MVC pipeline to enable usage of C# 7.2, and views precompiled with StackExchange.Precompilation.Build
ZpqrtBnk Umbraco ModeslBuilder Libraries.
Uses Roslyn to rewrite synchronous C# methods into async counterparts
DeepEnds is a tool written by Zeb Mason to perform dependency analysis on code in a hierarchical manner. It produces DGML files for visualisation of graphs within Visual Studio and computes various metrics which can be placed in a CSV file or a HTML report. The HTML report can be generated ...
F# Active pattern functions for Roslyn Compiler Platform
Provides monitoring and visualisation support for an Orleans cluster.
Controladores y handlers de framework3
Package Description