Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.CSharp

Total dependencies: 3493

kframe middleware for hosting frames
A small mvc http framework. You can use it at net461 and netstandard2.0. Ao Project full open source coming!
IIS W3C typed log file reader/parser
In .NET reflection is slow... well, kinda slow. If you need access to the members of an arbitrary type, with the type and member-names known only at runtime - then it is frankly hard (especially for DLR types). This library makes such access easy and fast.
In .NET reflection is slow... well, kinda slow. If you need access to the members of an arbitrary type, with the type and member-names known only at runtime - then it is frankly hard (especially for DLR types). This library makes such access easy and fast.
Package Description
NosCore fork of FastMember in waiting for PR to be merged
Package Description
Client library for connecting to tvheadend. Reads EPG and recording data
Form Component to utilize Google v3 Recaptcha In Kentico Form Builder
Blazor DataTable component with support for client and server side paging, filtering and sorting
Simple library that allows one to host dot net core application as windows services. Perfect solution to power micro-services architecture.
DataBse.DapperForSqlServer is a class library tool that connects to SqlServer database by using Dapper driver
C# Extension Methods Enhance the .NET Core with over 1000 extension methods. Do not need to reference any third-party components to use , also do not need to import any namespace!
Web Static resource optimization library
A smart set of common classes, extension methods and implementations to improve your development productivity using .NET Core
This library creates simple business rules that can be serialized and save in a datastore, this is useful for create dynamic rules and avoid to create application logic that changes too often, these rules can also be created dinamically. For example you can have an application with little pieces of ...
Util.XamariN is common library for Xamarin.Forms