Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.CSharp

Total dependencies: 3493

Waves protobuf schemas repository adaptation for CSharp.
A wrapper around a singleton HttpClient and Polly to implement Http retry with exponential backoff.
With Appconfi you can instantly change an application setting without introducing any latency to your site. Is as a configuration service that lets you manage your features and configurations without actually deploying new code.
Package includes all ReactiveDomain Core assemblies
Class library for .NET. Provides abstraction for CQRS.
Cross-platform .NET 4.0 / .NET Standard 1.6 component which receives SQL Server table changes into your .net code. Take a look how it works:
GraphQL query executine engine. This package is not intended for stand-alone use. Install the GraphZen.AspNetCore.Server package for hosting GraphQL API servers.
A library that provides stuctures for supporting board games. The structures here are Decks of cards/tiles/etc.
Freesql Orm Extensions For Abp with EFCore . Before Use, you should add " Persist Security Info=true " to config connectionstrings Support : mysql, msssql, progresql
JwtDnx is JWT / JWS Implementation for .NET DNX (like ASP.NET 5 MVC 6) If you want to get a version of the .NET Core, is here
FlexMapper is the counterpart to AutoMapper. While AutoMapper uses primary a lot of Reflection stuff to map the values of two classes or object, FlexMapper focuses the pointedly manual mapping. AutoMapper is a great solution if you just want to map simple objects, like ViewModels or data-transfer ob...
Beaker.Medication Class Library
JWT implementation for .NET core
I help create mappings for AutoMapper based on interfaces.
Common web-related functionality, including REST and JSON clients to simplify interacting with services.