Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft Async

Total dependencies: 602

A solution for adding Federated Identity Scaffolding to a Windows Phone Project. See Project Site link for more details.
A *SIGNED* library for consuming REST APIs from Portable Class Libraries (.NET 4.5, Silverlight 5, Windows Phone 8.x, and Windows 8.x). Designed to be partially drop-in compatible with RestSharp.
Wrapper for SecurionPay API
A .NET library wrapper for the Contentful Content Delivery API.
Wrapper around the Withings Health Data api.
A collection of handlers, filters and HttpClient related stuff.
Mono build of the StackExchange.Redis library.
Search stream twitter client
A .Net PCL for our JudoPay API, allowing you to quickly and easily process payments
Sitecore Mobile SDK (WebAPI) for Xamarin is a framework that is designed to help the developer produce native mobile applications that use and serve content that is managed by Sitecore. The framework enables developers to rapidly develop applications utilizing their existing .NET development skill ...
An SDK to push events and run queries for Connect (
PortableUserVoice makes it easy to integrate UserVoice directly into .NET apps for user feedback, support and knowledge base.
Encapsulates the ODataHQ Core REST APIs and ODataHQ Query APIs to provide simplified access to supported account functionality. This assembly can be used in conjunction with the custom workspace SDK which is generated for each workspace in your account and contains concrete objects with represent yo...
Extremely light weight portable view model class
Task helper library for dylan.NET (await support for Task, Task<T>, ValueTask<T>, YieldAwaitable, ConfiguredTaskAwaitable, ConfiguredTaskAwaitable<T>, ConfiguredValueTaskAwaitable<T>, IAsyncEnumerable<T> + new IAwaiter(<T>)/IAwaitable(<T>) abstractions)