Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft Async

Total dependencies: 602

An AdRotator control for Windows 8 / Windows Phone to support multiple Ad Providers in your apps / games Supports: * Windows Phone 7 / 8 / 8.1 * Windows 8 / 8.1 * Windows Universal Apps * Unity V4+ (WP8 + Win8) Includes the ability to configure supported ad providers from within the solution or re...
Minimalist Libray to manage Leaderboards and Top(N) use cases
ArcGIS.PCL can be used to call ArcGIS Server resources, including those from Portal for ArcGIS and ArcGIS Online. The resources can be secure or unsecure and the ArcGIS Online token service and OAuth token service are supported. Supports the following as typed operations: • CheckGenerateToke...
Task based .NET Wrapper for the Spotify Web API v1
a fork for the unofficial Yammer REST API .Net (yam-dotnet) wrapper. This library can be used for .Net 3.5+, Silverlight 5+, WP8+, Xamarin.iOS, and Xamarin.Android projects.
General purpose HttpClient wrapper
Adform Mobile Software Development Kit (SDK) allows Publishers with mobile apps, or standalone app publishers to integrate their mobile app inventory into Adform’s Private Marketplace, where top advertisers are willing to pay top prices for exclusive and first-look access to premium inventory.
.NET wrapper for Blockcypher
BCL(Base classes library) - base classes, enums, extensions for 4D Team packages associated with the following themes validation, environment, app process details, app base url model, client app http routing. Link to the DDDD.BCL package sources
C# library for OANDA REST API. This package use portable .NET Framework. Work with: WPF/Winforms, ASP.NET, Windows Phone, Windows 8.
Utility library to simplify writing asynchronous code which supports .NET 3.5 and newer.
Plato.Dapper deployment package
Plato.Configuration deployment package
Plato.WinAPI deployment package
Plato.Security deployment package
Plato.Serializers deployment package
Provides implementation for Azure Key Vault
API for RadioThermostat Thermostats
NGeo is a client library that makes it easier to invoke the GeoNames service from .NET code.