Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus

Total dependencies: 309

Le projet LilaSoft.Patterns.EventBus.EventBusServiceBus est un fork du projet du repository eShopContainers afin de faciliter mes futurs développements. Comme tous mes forks issus de ce projet, ils sont issus à changement suivant l'évolution de mes besoins.
Azure Service Bus hosting infrastructure and startup logic for background applications.
Azure service bus messaging abstraction implementation for building testable applications.
Microsoft Azure ServiceBus plugin to emulate server-side exceptions
Package Description
A Reactive Cloud Actor library/mini-framework
This is the main REST CMS API package. This package contains initialization code, controllers, filters and core middleware required to run the REST CMS client API.
Azure Service Bus support for the Clockwise command scheduling library.
Service bus support for command dispatch and execution
Package Description
Service bus body serialization library. For usage please see in the repository.
Encryption support for Azure Service Bus. For usage please see in the repository.
BeatPulse.AzureServiceBus is the health check package for Azure EventHub, and Azure Service Bus Queues and Topics on BeatPulse
Helper Functions for Azure Service Bus Queueing based on NETStandard
Service Bus-based Job System for .NET Core
Publish and Subscribe to Azure ServiceBus Topics using a simple API. Use the PublicationManager of T (ideally, T should be either string or byte[].) Use PublicationResourceManager to list and delete resources (entities like topics, subscription) Requires an Azure ServiceBus Account that supports T...
Allows the Azure Service Bus to be used as a scheduler for commands.
An implementation of the broker communicator for apollo targeting Azure Service Bus
MODs Implementation of Azure Service Bus
Models for handling Emails