Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft Azure Cosmos Table Standard Library

Total dependencies: 153

Microsoft Orleans streaming provider backed by Azure Queue Storage
Azure implementation of the Kalix.Leo storage abstraction
Software framework for supporting coding best practices.
Package Description
The collection of the functionality for Azure Storage, Blob, Queue and Table.
Adds custom actions to Bot Framework and Composer to work with Azure storage tables.
Uses Azure Blob and Table Storage services as an alternative to Entity Framework/SQL data access for IdentityServer4.
A collection of classes that aid in developing applications around Azure Table Storage
This is the core of the ShortLink project. It's a .NET Core demo project used for educational purpose
Microsoft Orleans reminders provider backed by Azure Table Storage
Microsoft Orleans. streaming provider for Azure EventHubs
MassTransit Azure Cosmos persistence support; MassTransit provides a developer-focused, modern platform for creating distributed applications without complexity.
Package Description
Microsoft Orleans transactions storage provider backed by Azure Storage
Uses Azure Blob and Table Storage services as an alternative to Entity Framework/SQL data access for IdentityServer4.
Azure utilities and classes for Cobweb, a base-class utility library for .NET
A simple auditing framework that uses Azure queues and tables
MLOps.NET is a data science tool to track and manage the lifecycle of a ML.NET machine learning model.
Allows the deserialization of a DynamicTableEntity object from Azure Table Storage for conversion into an ExpandoObject.
NServiceBus Azure Table Persistence