Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.AspNetCore

Total dependencies: 872

MicroPack is a framework for quickly and conveniently creating microservices on .NET Core.
Plugin Manager Easily create documentation from an xml documentation file or provide custom documentation on any website.
Plugin Manager easily add blog functionality to any website
Create webapi controllers based on decorated interfaces. For use with aspnetcore on netcore or .net framework
The official aspnet core middleware for LeanCloud.Engine.
Various utilities and extensions for working with Autofac and ASP.Net Core.
Plugin Manager user account plugin
Plugin Manager easily manage errors within a website
Plugin Manager add generic company information to any website
Plugin Manager display multiple products within a website
Plugin Manager easily add login to any website using a variety of methods including tokens for facebook and google
Plugin Manager add download functionality to any website
Plugin Manager add helpdesk functionality to any website
ASP.NET Core classes for EasyData library.
Microservice framework with powerful service discovery using Consul - WebAPI Support Module
Wlniao XCore for CoreCLR Framework
ASP.NET Core DataProtection repository for use with AWS S3
.NET standard implementation of CQRS and EventAggregator
Core Web API library for DHI Domain Services.
Glader.ASP.Authentication is a basic OAuth/Identity/JWT library for simple Authentication needs. Provides a quality Refit HTTP client interface as well as Entity Framework Core Database, Repository and ASP Controller for doing simple authentication and authorization.