Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.AspNetCore

Total dependencies: 872

A simple http server for using in test projects which test .net core based projects. It was tested with Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 and xUnit.
Client Certificate Middleware for .net core.
Add country helper . Demo at . Source code at Usage: In the ViewImports, put @addTagHelper *, CountryTagHelper In the view: <select asp-country="true" asp-country-empty="true"></select><select asp-country="true" a...
A simple library intended to clean up the start code for .NET Core MVC applications.
A small library to mock HTTP services.
A simple and light-weight, message push library for .NET Core web applications. Supports both websocket and long polling connection methods. Usage details:
HttpLoadTesting http load generator web client
.NET prometheus middleware for easy request duration metrics
DNC Common
AspNet Core middelware allowing you to start Parcel when running your AspNet Core application
*TestBase* gives you a flying start with - fluent assertions that are easy to extend - sharp error messages - tools to help you test with “heavyweight” dependencies on - AspNetCore.Mvc, AspNet.Mvc or WebApi Contexts - HttpClient - Ado.Net - Streams & Logging Chainable fluent assertions get...
A simple, configurable query logger for ASP.NET Core applications.
AspNetCorePage分页控件是在MvcPagerCore源码基础上实现的.net core mvc应用程序中实现分页功能的一系列扩展方法。 MvcPager主要功能: 实现最基本的url route分页功能; 支持最新的.net core 2.0或更高版本; 支持IE、Firefox、Opera、Chrome及Safari等常用浏览器; 多语言支持(简体中文、繁体中文和英文); 亲测能用 参考源码: 参考使用文档:
Provides application configuration, container registration and other common features to applications.