Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel

Total dependencies: 307

Dap Remote common server libs
Core Microservices Restful
IWebHostBuilder fluent configuration extensions to integrate KeyVault, Azure App Configuration Service with ease to your ASP.NET Core Kestrel Webserver to save secrets and configuration outside appconfig and to integrate SSL certificates and install private CA certificates for secure, trusted micros...
Ntrada API Gateway.
.Net Core WebApplication Utility
NGate API Gateway.
Greatbone Library for Web apps
Dump process memory via HTTP(S) (Kestrel host) endpoint & ProcDump. Optionally download dumps through the endpoint etc.
Common bits and parts for building web services
DNC Common
HttpLoadTesting http load generator web client
HTTP server mock is a really useful tool for testing, it will help you to mock HTTP requests.
TestWell is a framework for spinning up environments for the purpose of local integration testing.
Helper library for JWT creation and authentication.
Stratis Full Node