Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.Runtime

Total dependencies: 178

FormFactory is a UI component engine for Console apps, ASP.NET Core and MVC5. It reflects over your view models to build a component tree, then renders that according to customisable templates. Drive yuour views by convention instead of hard coding them.
Asp.Net Core Tag Helpers to use when localizing Asp.Net Core applications instead of manually injecting IViewLocator. Usage To use these tag helpers add the following to your `_ViewImports.cshtml` file @addTagHelper *, Localization.AspNetCore.TagHelpers The package currently supports three tag he...
This library provides HTML generator and tag helpers to display bootstrap-styled operation message alerts for ASP.NET Core MVC projects.
DotNet Framework and Core Helpers for Web
Fork from
This library provides data-paging functionality and pager UI for ASP.NET Core MVC projects.
Mvc.Lookup core dll without content files.
Highstock for .NET C# Programming
ASP.NET Core MVC Bootstrap tag helpers. Contains tag helpers for Bootstrap's Tabs, Modal, Alert, Popover, Button, Dropdown, NavBar, and more. GitHub Repository: Demo:
A simple ASP.NET Core TagHelper for Gravatar. To use please add the following to your '_ViewImports.cshtml' file: @using GravatarHelper.Common @addTagHelper *, GravatarHelper.AspNetCore You can then use it in any .cshtml file as follows: <img gravatar-email="[email protected]" gravatar...
Simple taghelpers based on bootstrap v3
ASP.NET Core support for Dryv. Dryv provides complex model validation for server and client made easy. Write complex model validation rules in C# once. Dryv will generate JavaScript for client-side validation.
Table List with search, pagination an many other features.
Pioneer.Pagination is an ASP.NET Core Tag Helper used to simplify server side pagination needs.
Plugin Manager display and manage system behaviours
Dotnet Standard integration with Gravatar APIs
Provides taghelpers to aid with the generation of resource uri's for <script>, <link> and <img> tags. Also provides utilities interfaces to generate cdn uri's from configuration settings with support for multiple active cdn providers
A set of ASP.NET Core tag helpers that help create Bootstrap 4 ready HTML tables.
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