Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc

Total dependencies: 2020

dotnet core Consul服务注册基础类库
This library provides support for reporting out of the box metrics, histograms, and tracing spans from your ASP.NET Core Web API or MVC application. The data is reported to Wavefront via proxy or direct ingestion and will help you understand how your application is performing in production.
A simple ASP.NET Core TagHelper for Gravatar. To use please add the following to your '_ViewImports.cshtml' file: @using GravatarHelper.Common @addTagHelper *, GravatarHelper.AspNetCore You can then use it in any .cshtml file as follows: <img gravatar-email="[email protected]" gravatar...
Lynicon CMS is a modern, extensible, hypermodular CMS which provides CMS facilities to ASP.Net Core on .Net Core 2.0/2.1 (.Net Standard 2.0) or .Net 4.6.1+. This package is the core system which contains all the essential functions required for CMS, sufficient to build a small site or application. ...
Common functions and extensions used on Asp.Net Core Tempus Digital's projects.
业务处理通用的方法。 包括:Jwt的登录控制、其它接口的调用封装、文件上传处理、Swagger、通用业务封装
微信公众账号 - Senparc.Weixin.MP.CoreMvcExtension 模块 【注意:此模块已合并至Senparc.Weixin.MP.MvcExtension.dll(,已经停止更新,请使用Senparc.Weixin.MP.MvcExtension.dll!】 Senparc.Weixin SDK 开源项目:
GridMVC ported to ASP.NET Core 1.1(added ability to create master/details tables)
Beetle Asp.Net Mvc Core implementation.
ToolKitMvcCore contains a rich set of controls that you can use to build highly responsive and interactive AJAX-enabled Web applications. ToolKitMvcCore contains Dropdownlist control , Ajax Form, Ajax POPUP , Dropdown Multi Select
Meow应用框架 - 应用程序 - 表现层类库。 以 何镇汐(应用框架为蓝本。 个人学习和使用,若喜欢可随意使用。
Package Description
Easy definition of http status code
The first version of the MU riddle.
Server RPC library for ASP.NET Core
Add Snow support to ASP.Net Core web projects.
ASP.NET Core types for hosting App Store Connect adapter MVC controllers.
Common ASP.NET Core types for hosting App Store Connect adapters.