Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ViewFeatures

Total dependencies: 559

ASP.NET Core Razor view and content loader for multi-tenant and themeable applications
DNTBreadCrumb.Core-UIkit creates custom bread crumb definitions, based on UIkit 3 features for ASP.NET Core applications.
NooBIT.DataTables provides functionality to process ajax requests from javascript framework v1.10.x
Aurochses.AspNetCore.Razor is a library for ASP.NET Core Razor.
Bunder is a .NET Core AspNetCore front-end asset bundling manager and rendering handler.
.NET Core extension for Cindi. Compatible with Cindi Release 2.x
HTTP interface for Sqlite
Various framework elements and components to help make the development of .Net Standard applications and ASP.Net Core MVC websites that much easier to deal with for the ASP.Net Core .Net cross-platform) environment. To see all assemblies in the framework, click the 'CoreXT' tag. This package will c...
支持单用户排他登陆检测 集成app登陆逻辑支持库
Simple,Light and fast Pager for ASP.NET Core
A background job library for ASP.NET Core.
MongoDb based identity framework for Asp.Net Core 2, forked from the excellent work from Matteo Fabbri
This package is used by the RAML Tools for .NET Visual Studio extension to generate RAML metadata from an existing ASP.NET Core implementation. In Visual Studio, go to Tools -> Extensions and Updates, then search for RAML in the Online gallery.
DNTBreadCrumb.Core Creates custom bread crumb definitions, based on Twitter Bootstrap 3.x features.
Simple,Light and fast Pager for ASP.NET Core
Scheduler.NET is a distributed scheduler system. It support http call back job and client managed job
This package provides some helpful HtmlHelper extensions for quickly building forms with bootstrap controls.
如果您的.net core项目使用layui来渲染表单,那么您可以尝试使用这个扩展库可以帮你减少代码和工作量。