Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions

Total dependencies: 2495

ASP.NET Core middleware for the Prometheus.Client
Enriches Serilog events with Aspnetcore HttpContext
ASP.NET MVC Core is supported by the ITfoxtec Identity SAML2 MVC Core package which helps to integrate the ITfoxtec Identity SAML2 package and add support for SAML-P and SAML 2.0 tokens. Support .NET 9.0 Support .NET 8.0 Support .NET 7.0 Support .NET 6.0 Support .NET...
The core library of the open-source and free platform WebVella ERP. It allows a quick and painless creation of business web applications.
Log in with Veracity Identity in aspnetcore applications.
Compression (Deflate / GZip) module for Microsoft OWIN self-host and AspNetCore/Kestrel web servers. Built-in eTag caching. With this module you can compress, deflate / gzip large files (like concatenated *.js or *.css files) to the reduce amount of web traffic.
C# .NET Core bindings for the Apache Thrift RPC system
Exceptionless client for ASP.NET Core. Exceptionless is a cloud based error reporting service that sends your exceptions to and provides aggregated views and analytics.
Middleware for ASP.NET Core to automatically add security headers to requests.
微信 SDK - WebSocket 模块 Senparc.Weixin SDK 开源项目:
Lib.AspNetCore.ServerSentEvents is a library which provides Server-Sent Events (SSE) support for ASP.NET Core
KissLog .NET and ASP.NET Core package. Install this package on .NET and ASP.NET Core applications.
Provides a default set of APIs for building an ASP.NET Core application, and also includes API for third-party integrations with ASP.NET Core. This package requires the ASP.NET Core runtime. This runtime is installed by the .NET Core SDK, or can be acquired separately using installers available at ...
App Metrics ASP.NET Core abstractions and interfaces for routing, HTTP response formatting and more.
Provides a default set of APIs for building an ASP.NET Core application. This package requires the ASP.NET Core runtime. This runtime is installed by the .NET Core SDK, or can be acquired separately using installers available at
GraphiQL integration for ASP.NET Core
Blocking Detection for ASP.NET Core
Installs CrystalQuartz panel (pluggable Quartz.NET viewer) to .NET Core or .NET Standard application (web or self-hosted) that uses AspNetCore environment.
微信 SDK - Senparc.Weixin.AspNet 模块 Senparc.Weixin SDK 开源项目: