Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions

Total dependencies: 2495

Package Description
Package Description
翻译服务中间件基类 2021年8月28日 新增语言配置中间件 需要配置language节点 配置文件增加: "language": { "folder": "language.config", "route": "/language" }
Helps to organize a service structure and architecture to simple and elegant styles.
Enrich the set of AspNetCore libs from Microsoft.
Swagger configuration library for devon4net webapi template using Swashbuckle
Middleware classes for exception management, custom headers, killswitch and client certificate verification
JWT Configuration library for devon4net webapi template
Plugin Manager User Session Manager middleware retains user session information within ASP.Net Core websites
CORS Configuration library for devon4net webapi template
The purpose of this library is to help developers with dependency injection per HTTP request context. This is currently not available via the default dependency injection infrastructure. A secondary goal is provide easy access to common infrastructure services such as security, logging, etc.
Provides a more convenient way to access the network.
Package for creating flow WebApi services.
Circuit breaker to manage http communication. Added support to manage communication using a certificate via httpclient factory
A package that provides additional classes to ASP.NET Core.
接口框架 重构版 .NET6 修复认证授权失败后翻译失效的问题 修正gateawaybase.error 不设置状态的错误 2022年2月25 新增缓存选项
HttpPipeline for aspnet core.
.NET Core helpers for ASP.NET hosting
XxlJobExecutor DotNet port