Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting

Total dependencies: 632

Proactive AspNetCore meta-package
Extensions for managing dependency injection overrides for unit testing.
Middleware to connect ats suite
A better way to build scalable services that can be micro or not.
FivePower是一个五次方软件基于.net core平台下的应用框架,旨在提升小型团队的开发输出能力,由常用公共操作类(工具类)、分层架构基类、Ui组件,第三方组件封装,第三方业务接口封装,配套代码生成模板,权限等组成。
Dotnet Core Console Appplication hosting. Add Startup like AspNet Core
Standard Logging setup for DeckHub
Common bits and parts for building web services
DNC Common
Run a website as a desktop application using Webview
Neflix Consul Client
Helps host web apps on console based apps with node js syntax
.Net Core implementation of a resource proxy for ArcGIS Server.
ProSkive common library
A simple mailer that renders Razor views for .NET Core
NGate API Gateway.
Useful Docker extensions for AspNetCore