Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Web

Total dependencies: 880

a Blazor component based on animate.css to easly animate your content
A contenteditable component for Blazor
A Blazor component for showing Dialog that support highly customized content.
Blazor Document Viewer Component
Toast notifications for Blazor Framework, simple to use.
Virtual scroll drop down that you can search. It allows for large number of items to be loaded into the search.
Blazor components that implement Google's Material Design.
Blazor.Quill is a component for Blazor to create a Quill WYSIWYG editor.
Blazor framework for rapid development of the program. Include Common Control base class, and interactions associated logic. Separation of interface and business logic. As a basic framework to use.
Bootstrap css content Blazor framework for rapid development of the program. Include Common Control base class, and interactions associated logic. Separation of interface and business logic. As a basic framework to use.
This package allows you to easily access browser cookies from your blazor web app. Please make sure to read the documention on the nuget page. This will show you how to put the script file in your project.
Raw C# Blazor date picker component - no JavasScript involved.
A Blazor component for adding sections similar to ASP.NET Core MVC sections.
A collection of simple Blazor graphics components for drawing lines, rectangles, triangles and circles. Version 1.1.0 has some breaking changes over previous versions, including switching from HTML components to using SVG.
Package Description
Package Description
Material Icons for Blazor
Provides awaitable dialogs using bootstrap modals
Utilize ML5 Library from c# in Blazor Client.Play with Teachable Machine models or Create a Neural Network model or use a Image Classifier or Sound Classifier or YOLO or COCOSSD model or PoseNet model , visit Github for documentation.