Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization

Total dependencies: 390

Simple App Extensions
Virto Commerce is a flexible B2B ecommerce solution that offers powerful tools for enterprise business users.
Plugin Manager display multiple products within a website
Plugin Manager easily add login to any website using a variety of methods including tokens for facebook and google
Plugin Manager add download functionality to any website
Plugin Manager add helpdesk functionality to any website
Plugin Manager user account plugin
Plugin Manager easily manage errors within a website
Plugin Manager add generic company information to any website
A AspNet Core IRouter implementation for Json Rpc v2 requests for Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.
ASP.NET Core authorization policy helper classes.
Emeraude Framework is a powerful library providing abstractions, builders and ready to use ASP.NET Core structure for creating SEO friendly web applications based on SSR Vue.js and mobile applications based on Xamarin Forms.
Package Description
Emeraude Framework is a powerful library providing abstractions, builders and ready to use ASP.NET Core structure for creating SEO friendly web applications based on SSR Vue.js and mobile applications based on Xamarin Forms.
ASP.NET Core extensions for Rsk.Enforcer
ASP.NET Core Client Library for the PolicyServer Runtime API
Creates an RPC service based on an interface
Middleware injected into ASP.NET Core pipeline at startup.
This is a middleware that will persist user permissions to memory, manage claims, and support Windows pass through authentication with forms authentication.