Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer

Total dependencies: 888 core 项目的类库,提取出来方便使用,持续更新 升级 core 3.0
Web library for the Ion Framework
Package Description
Lithium library for the Ion Framework
Jive library for the Ion Framework
WebApi 授权验证 签名验证 缓存 节流等功能的支持
Maije brings a certain degree of "magic" to facilitate the development of ASP.NET Core projects.
Libreria para sistema de autenticacion generica
An easy to use library that helps developers of .NET Core mvc/webapi applications create and use access and refresh tokens for authentication.
Modular API is a Framework structure used to create an application.
Doitsu.Service.Core is a util platform to support Asp Net Core API handle UOW, ViewModel, Service. Some utils like logger, identity. Help Developer make 1 web api fatest and easily.
Add authentication core components with cookie, jwt or identity4
Based Librame.AspNetCore.IdentityServer.Abstractions on EntityFrameworkCore application implementation.
Base classes to be used in all ilm Software products. Now works with .net core 5.0
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Library for Puswh Notifications. It's compatible only with net core 3.1
Provides an extension to the JwtBearer middleware for ASP.NET Core. In addition to verifying an access token, it will also fetch the userinfo from the identity/OIDC provider, and populate the UserPrincipal with that data.
Feedeem shop web core
Hybrid Zero IdentityServer4 基于IdentityServer4封装用户认证与权限验证的基础实现