Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.Abstractions

Total dependencies: 104

Add authentication core components with cookie, jwt or identity4
Client for the Policy Server for ASP.Net Core
this is a core middleware that used to authorize the requests for the "non-public" files.
Middleware to connect ats suite
Zero Identity is the membership system for building ASP.NET Core web applications, including membership, login, and user data.
Dynamic Library to filesystem mapping with Authorization implementation of Microsoft.AspNetCore.StaticFiles.
基于 JWT 的 .Net Core 身份认证与授权组件
新增冻结,返回401 强制退出
Auth(entication + orization)-centric helper methods, properties, objects etc.
优化代码,新增缓存 -----------------------------------------绿萼权限中间件
基于JMS.Token的身份验证 services.AddJmsTokenAspNetCore(new NetAddress("", 9911),new string[]{"Authorization"}); app.UseAuthentication(); app.UseAuthorization(); 如果通过验证,controller中通过下面代码获取token内容: this.User.FindFirstValue("Content") 用依赖注入获取TokenClient实例,生成token
Note: this is the strong named version. Decrypts MachineKey protected AuthenticationTicket objects created by ASP.NET to be used in ASP.NET Core.
Decrypts an OWIN OAuth Bearer token to be used in ASP.NET Core.
this is a core middleware that used to authorize the requests for the "non-public" files.
Basic Authentication Middleware For Net Core
Casual Identity Access Manager
Elmah for ASP.NET Core based on ELMAHCore
Package Description
Package Description