Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft ASP.NET Web API 2.2 Web Host

Total dependencies: 438

Build: - Commit: 43a940d76b3c8d794a1741a7732209ec98b59386
Build: - Commit: 43a940d76b3c8d794a1741a7732209ec98b59386
Metodos comuns à todos os projetos
This package is a generic OAuth2 authentication provider for using with the BotAuth package in a Bot Framework/BotBuilder Project.
This package is a Azure AD v2 app authentication provider for using with the BotAuth package in a Bot Framework/BotBuilder Project.
This package is a Azure AD v1 app authentication provider for using with the BotAuth package in a Bot Framework/BotBuilder Project.
This package is a Azure AD B2C authentication provider for using with the BotAuth package in a Bot Framework/BotBuilder Project.
This package is the base package for performing OAuth in a bot built with the Bot Framework and BotBuild libraries. It contains based classes for creating and authentication provider and handles the OAuth flow.
MVC + Angular 4 startup template
Package Description
ReCloud Platform Class Library
ReCloud Business Class Library
ECL.Auth.HMAC.Web module
Qstom API Core Framework to develop APIs
.NET Chart Middleware