Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft ASP.NET Web API 2.2 Self Host

Total dependencies: 61

Legacy package, AspNetWebApi.SelfHost is now included in the 'Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.SelfHost' package.
Topshelf.WebApi.Ninject provides extensions to Topshelf.WebApi to configure a self-hosted WebAPI instance, built from your Ninject IoC Container, along with your service class.
[This package is now legacy. Migrate to NContext.Extensions.AspNet.WebApi.] NContext application component for ASP.NET Web API.
AttributeRouting for self-hosted Web API lets you specify routes using attributes on your API controllers and actions.
a server core for iS3 server dev
Quickly stub out 3rd party servers to be used against your automated development test cycle. Designed to feel familiar to use, without having restrictions forced upon you.
A Owin Selfhost Console App running a browsy package with internal controller and web resources.
C# client connects to CoinMarketCap API v2
.Net and .Net Standart Crypto Compare async client for newest Min-API
C# client connects to CoinMarketCap Pro API
Microservice framework with powerful service discovery using Consul
A web based visualizer for your Akka ActorSystem.
Moksy is an open source .Net library for stubbing, mocking and simulating web services. Intended to be driven from MsTest (or your favorite testing framework), Moksy will create a real HTTP Server end-point that your system under test or other services can hit. For example: Moksy.Common.Proxy p...
Extension for Ninject providing integration with ASP.NET WebAPI 2 self host
NEasyMessaging WebApiIntegration Runner
NEasyMessaging WebApi Runner
NetMX HTTP protocol adaptor
DEPRECATED (use FubuMVC.Katana instead): Run FubuMVC applications using the Web API Self Hosting alternative
scriptcs script pack for ASP.NET Web API