Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft ASP.NET Web API 2.2 Cross-Origin Support

Total dependencies: 160

C# software development framework
Knowit Experience Bergen Umbraco content delivery API.
Development kit for WEP API
Web stack with OWIN, WebApi, SignalR, Autofac, AutoMapper, various utilities and configuration defaults to speed up initial setup efforts
webapi,coreapi 二次开发框架,可根据需要自动输出XML,JSON,HTML等,具备上传下载接口,所有异常重定向处理并直接输出JSON,而非HTTP错误。具备接口流量处理,敏感词处理、认证处理
The core modules required to build CloudCore-based web modules.
The host module for CloudCore API calls.
Implements Web API Semantic Versioning, selecting projects at or below the request version, with a default to 1.0.0.
Perfon.WebApi is an open source performance monitoring .Net framework for Web Api 2 applications without using windows performance counters. It has built-in UI dashboard and Rest API. Collected data is stored in-memory cache, and/or in LiteDB embedded database, and/or in any custom storage driver. ...
Contains the FhirController as well as other core libraries for FhirStarter. For web server projects, please add FhirStarter.Flare to get the Global.asax and xslt.
Contains the necessary classes to create a FHIR server. Both the setup classes and FHIR controller is here.
Lightweight library derived from Furores Spark.Engine
Using this library is able to connect Firefox OS apps to Azure Mobile Service.
A collection of add-ons for ASP.NET Web API.