Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft ASP.NET Web API 2.2 Core Libraries

Total dependencies: 1404

This package provides a uniform model for receiving WebHooks from an open-ended set of WebHook generators such as Dropbox, GitHub, Slack, and many more.
WebApi implementation of the health check endpoints for reporting the health of app infrastructure components.
Package Description
A fork of Strathweb.CacheOutput.WebApi2, with support for redis.
1.提供一致化处理 统一的Request Response ErrorCode 2.日志记录 3.异常处理 4.客户端身份管理 5.访问ip限制 6.流量限制 7.权限限制
Web Api Logging
simple WebApi utility
WebApi controller generation for RequestHandlers
Owin Middleware to generate WebApi help pages without dependencies on MVC or System.Web. Great for self hosted WebApi. Razor is used for the documentation templates to make it easy to customize. Based on Yao's example
Resolves LINQ compatibility issues between ASP.NET Web API OData and LINQ to NHibernate.
An extensible ApiSelector for ASP.NET Web API
Generic part of service for publishing of NuGet packages
Provides an endpoint for ASP.NET Web Api services to serve a JavaScript proxy and metadata.
Library for API versioning support in Microsoft ASP.NET Web API
Foundational HttpMediaTypeFormatter to provide generated HTML markup from ASP.NET Web API
Hawk Http Authentication for ASP.NET Web API
A library bringing output caching (similar to MVC's "OutputCache"), to Web API actions. Strathweb.CacheOutput will take care of server side caching and set the appropriate client side (response) headers for you.
Library for content managed microsites, competitions and Facebook applications.
ASP.NET Web API formatter for partial response (fields) JSON output.