Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft ASP.NET Web API 2.2 Client Libraries

Total dependencies: 1869

This package contains the components needed to communicate with the Insero Entity Manager Platform.
Description API .NET wrapper
LmTwitterUtilities is a class library to consume twitter REST API without innecessary abstractions
Repository granting access to Stockfighter's live API.
拓展封装了拦截器和格式化器以及参数化以及自动压缩解压数据的的ASP.NET WebApi
API for using the Pro6PP services
DD4T Rest Providers
DD4T RestService WebApi
LetsEncrypt integration draft as ASP.NET 5 middleware. Feel free to improve it.
Extensões do ASP.NET Web API
SendGrid Base Email sending for UniverCloud Products.