Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft ASP.NET Web API 2.2 Client Libraries

Total dependencies: 1869

.Net Library for ease configuration and creation of HATEOAS Link.
Well Structured Models for C#
Simple client for use Yandex Disk in .NET
replace JsonMediaTypeFormatter with Newtonsoft.Json as JsonSerializer
An implementation of HMAC for ASP.NET Core
This is a public API to access Kalcium server
GoogleAnalyticsTracker for ASP.NET Web API. GoogleAnalyticsTracker was created to have a means of tracking specific URL's directly from C#. For example, it enables you to log API calls to Google Analytics.
Rapid Application Development tool for MVC to generate User Interface with CRUD functionality using Models only
Topshelf.WebApi.Ninject provides extensions to Topshelf.WebApi to configure a self-hosted WebAPI instance, built from your Ninject IoC Container, along with your service class.
Community Contributions for ASP.NET Web API
This is a ModelBinder designed to consume a http request and dynamically build a json serializable object for the Kendo UI Grid datasource. AutoMapper is used to support mapping from ViewModel <> Entity.
Adds a Ficklefile controller that enables Ficklefile generation for your WebApi project
A .NET client implementation over the SendWithUs REST API.
Main WMIT.DataServices assembly
[This package is now legacy. Migrate to NContext.Extensions.AspNet.WebApi.] NContext application component for ASP.NET Web API.
Vault for Umbraco is an easy-to-use, extensible ORM to quickly and easily get strongly-typed Umbraco CMS data into your views. It allows you to create lightly-decorated classes that Vault will understand how to hydrate. This gives you the full view model-style experience in Umbraco that you are accu...
Simple C# client to Send/Change leads to RdStation
Seedwork for the Infrastructure Crosscutting Application Block
Will consume a swagger 2.0 spec and output a C# proxy that can be used to consume the swagger based service