Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft ASP.NET Web Optimization Framework

Total dependencies: 464

Angular and MVC project with everything set up and ready to run.
A helper bundle transform which prevents caching of bundle contents when optimizations are disabled - when debug is enabled or BundleTable.EnableOptimizations is false.
Project base for ICSIS MVC web applications
There are 8 setting values that can be set in the web.config file of your website. AzureAccountName(string) - Your Azure Account Name. AzureAccessKey(string) - Your Access Key. CdnPath(string) - Url for your blob storage. SecureCdnPath(string) - Secure Url for your blob stora...
A scaffolding project using Bootstrap, Font Awesome and Mozilla Fira
My package description.
A Boilerplater for Single Page Application using - Web API 2.0 - AngularJS - Boostrap - Bootstrap UI - Block UI - Castle Windsor
Extension methods for .Net classes
To setup a web framework to start working with, SPA and angularjs and common layout
Sail Web Helper
EgoDB Identity Sample