Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft ASP.NET Web Optimization Framework

Total dependencies: 464

Password reset email notification plugin for EPiServer
The core modules required to build CloudCore-based web modules.
Co-locate HTML, CSS, JavaScript and image files that make up a page or component for easier reuse and maintainability. Auto generate your MVC bundles to ensure the right files are loaded in the right order.
Brotli offers up to 30% more compression than gzip. This is a simple bundle with Brotli compression with fallback to gzip and deflate
SVN Framework
Infrastructure for regular .NET projects
An ASP.NET MVC ViewEngine using the Handlebars syntax
Web Application
System Web Optimization Bundle using NUglify
Adds built-in CRUD functionality to existing Asp.Net Mvc applications
Configures an Umbraco project to use Twitter Bootstrap.
Parses RequireJS.NET config files and builds bundles using Microsoft's Web Optimization Framework.