Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft ASP.NET SignalR

Total dependencies: 80

Distributed job queue for .NET powered by Katana and SignalR.
Simple, lightweight, yet powerful way to build reactive, real-time web apps. SignalR hub for ASP.NET Framework.
Some simple helpers for writing SignalR in C# scripts. The main purpose of this is to allow sending messages to clients without having to use the dynamic object, which is not supported by Roslyn (and therefore ScriptCs) at the time of writing.
Get an idea of what is happening with your server, see what Application Insights telemetry was sent and what was sampled and diagnose other Application Insights configuration issues.
Peng Framework Web SignalR Module
Small wrapper over the SignalR Proxy Generator to allow you to create the proxies at build time
A game server and client used to build HTML5 multiplayer games.
A .NET micro framework full of awesomeness
Package Description
The core modules required to build CloudCore-based web modules.
Incredibly simple real-time signalr message hub for .NET
Integrate SignalR to SharePointApps. Inject authentication token to MVC application.
ChtJS is a chat component for ASP.NET. It uses SignalR for client/server communication and several jQuery plugins for UI
Nx.Web Library for web developement
The server side component for Pushqa - providing queryable event streams over HTTP using Reactive Extensions, OData and SignalR. This package expects an ASP.Net Web Application project.
This package adds a dashboard to your developer section in the Umbraco backend. Once installed you can view real time Umbraco logs from Log4Net. Basically the package makes use of signalR and a custom Log4Net appender to append realtime logging to your browser window. This is a must have package f...
Binaries for the CallR library. Visit for an overview and usage examples.
SignalR support for Sitecore 9.x