Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft ASP.NET Razor

Total dependencies: 615

A core logic that implements a modular architecture supporting business logic modules.
Productivity Tools
Automation tools
Data access objects and tools for use with the Bam framework
Repository pattern providers for the Bam framework
Encryption tools built on top of BouncyCastle. Store sensitive information in an encrypted Vault that stores encrypted data in SQLite database files.
Dirigo Edge Core Library
An API that adds to RazorEngine that makes it easy to embed Razor views into assemblies and run them in console applications and windows services
Allows retrieving of ActionResults for files stored with Dragon.Files for use with MVC controllers.
Lyrix adapter and ASP.NET MVC pipeline/HTML helpers for Maxomedia.Core
Extensions to enable localized client-side validation (requires MVC5+ and .NET 4.5+)
MVC-Extensions and HTML helpers for Maxomedia.Core
Enterprize framework for POCO and stored procedure data access. Built on top of MS Enterprize library this framework extends the functionality into an easy to use framework. Includes multi tenant suport for large systems as wel as variouse other functions.