Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft ASP.NET MVC

Total dependencies: 2370

A grid for ASP.NET MVC and Bootstrap with ajax paging and sorting. Also has filtering support, export to csv, back button support, and graceful degradation. Easily configurable. All AJAX calls are handled for you... Simply tell it how to get your data!
Fluent Assertions extensions for ASP.NET MVC 5.
A library for adding statically-typed URL routing to MVC
Extension to Model Metadata that provide convention based resource lookup
Logic-less templates for ASP.NET MVC 3
HtmlHelpers for managing scripts for Razor Partial Views and Templates in ASP.NET MVC
MvcThrottle filter is designed for controlling the rate of requests that clients can make to a website based on IP address, request route, user-agent and client identity. You can set multiple limits for different scenarios like allowing an IP to make a maximum number of calls per second, per minute,...
Provides a set of MVC helper and extension methods for the popular Bootstrap, Gumby and jQuery UI CSS frameworks. Includes other MVC helpers which can be used in core MVC development as well.
Container-per-request and other IoC goodness for ASP.NET MVC 5.1 using StructureMap.
Web framework that extends ASP.NET MVC with a plug-in architecture and default implementations of commonly used features.
Some helpers we use at ETS. Enjoy!
Support for T4MVC with FluentBootstrap and ASP.NET MVC. helpers for ASP.NET MVC5
Package for auto upgrade MVC 3 Application to MVC 4 Application
Library for content managed microsites, competitions and Facebook applications.
i18N-Complete localization core Module. Real world i18N - .po based localization for Javascript, ASP.NET MVC 4, and ASP.NET WebForms.
DI with AOP framework Moca.NET Web MVC