Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft ASP.NET Identity Core

Total dependencies: 341

Azure CosmosDB/DocumentDB Provider for ASP.NET Identity 2.0 framework. Requires a DocumentDB instance with a Session connection policy. Important! This package should be upgraded to the ElCamino.AspNetCore.Identity.CosmosDB package. Check here for migra...
MongoDB for ASP.NET Identity
Some extensions to help your Business Applications development
An ASP.NET Identity 2.1 provider that uses FluentNHibernate. Supports MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle, DB/2, SQLite, Firebird, PostgreSQL, SQLAnyWhere, SQL Server Compact Edition.
ActionResult - user’s activity logging in coremvc application | c#
Web Application
ASP.NET Identity providers that use NHibernate and Sharp Architecture.
A persistence provider for AspNet Identity using Shaolinq
XPerience Pack Data Identity
Identity Provider for Elasticsearch
Adds permission based authorization capability on the top of Asp.NET MVC Identity framework
Cyprex EntityFramework Utils
A fully async RavenDB implementation of AspNet.Identity
Base infrastracture
RevStack c# generic repository pattern abstraction of Identity.
Package Description
This project contains a fluid API to aid in generating data in Litium together with Distancify.Migrations.