Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.AspNet.Authentication

Total dependencies: 14

ASP.NET 5 Authentication Middleware using OAuth 2.0 Introspection (rfc7662)
Simple ASP.NET 5 middleware that allows for hard-coding claims and automatically authenticates the user to simplify local development.
Package to provide OAuth authentication using Blizzard's Battlenet API. This package is an extension for the Microsoft.Aspnet.Authentication package.
ASP.NET middleware that enables an application to use cookie based authentication, similar to ASP.NET's forms authentication.
ASP.NET 5 middleware that enables an application to support Twitter's OAuth 2.0 authentication workflow.
ASP.NET 5 middleware that enables an application to support the OpenID Connect authentication workflow.
ASP.NET 5 middleware that enables an application to receive a OAuth bearer token.
ASP.NET 5 middleware that enables an application to support any standard OAuth 2.0 authentication workflow.
ASP.NET 5 middleware that enables an application to receive a OpenIdConnect bearer token.