Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Application Insights API

Total dependencies: 404

Ring 2 library based on VaraniumSharp. This library makes use of and extends VaraniumSharp to be a base for other (Ring 3) projects.
An Application Insights tracer extension for the WebJob SDK
Logs exceptions and custom events to Application Insights
Get an idea of what is happening with your server, see what Application Insights telemetry was sent and what was sampled and diagnose other Application Insights configuration issues.
This library provides a way to code C# in a way similar to how you're used to in Razor.Net. I't provides a way to embed views in libraries without having to embed your .cshtml files into your solution as an embedded resource which requires custom path providers and others libraries.
This library provides a NancControllerModule, this creates a Nancy Module which binds methods to routes similar to the way it looks and feels in Mvc.Net.
This package integrates Application Insights with Glimpse. Glimpse is a web debugging and diagnostics tool used to gain a better understanding of whats happening inside of your ASP.NET 3.5+ application. Applications Insights is a service that allows developers to monitor performance, availability, a...
Package Description
xPike Logging provider for sending logs to Azure Application Insights
CapSync - fast and easy communication with ERP systems.
Shared library for Conversational AI Virtual Assistants and Skills.
Package Description
Package Description
A library of useful middleware for your APIs.
A set of convenience classes and extension methods for logging AppCenter information
Common helpers for our backend projects
app insight logging provider
A small and simple package to add dependeny tracking for Azure Application Insights when using Marten with PostgreSql
Extended ApplicationInsights logging for Eveneum event store.