Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Application Insights for ASP.NET Core Web Applications

Total dependencies: 181

Application Insights Tracing module for ASP.NET Core DotVVM
Created Nuget package
Created Nuget package
Ajuto.Net.Util is a library of utilities developed by OTB Expert.
Microsoft Application Insights Profiler for ASP.NET Core.
NFinal2 MVC framework.
Contains the logic to handle DI and Controller creation necessary to implement ApiFramework. ApiFramework is designed to replace the need for manual Controller creation. It uses the concept of EntityFramework's Code First approach, but applied to WebApi REST endpoints. Build your models, assign t...
Swagger AspNetCore Extensions.
ASP.NET Core Helpers
This is an abstraction for setting up logging using serilog, application insights and sql server.
GraphQL extension for logging to Application Insights
Library for handling configuration from secret storage.
This is the main REST CMS API package. This package contains initialization code, controllers, filters and core middleware required to run the REST CMS client API.
Utility for adding telemetry to controllers through an ActionFilter and Controller derived class.
Logging to and reading from Application Insights
Common logging library for Nlog and Application Insight